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Dear Governors of the IMF board   E mail adressan.  (publicaffairs@imf.org )

I, Nafn, a citizen of the Republic of Iceland respectfully ask that you withhold the planned currency loan to Iceland. This is in the light of the fact that no official elected or appointed has accepted responsibility for the economic crash of our countries banking system. Despite the allegations that multible government agencies failed to or neglected and even ignored the clear signs of what was coming. It is further extremely important for the administration of IMF to understand that the now so called new banks of Iceland are all mostly under the same leadership as before the meltdown. As our government has failed to replace these people from their positions.

I feel that those responsible need to be removed from their offices before they are in position to receive billions of dollars of currency. It is unacceptable that those who are responsible are in a position to squander more of the public's currency. A major reform in the economic and political structure is needed to prevent that corrupted elements in the those structures can receive that amount of money. That is in the light of the total lack of failure of those officials to take action to prevent this crash. They need to step down and more capable individuals to take charge.

I Therfore pleed to your organization to withhold all financial transfers untill further investigation of the situation has been performed by auditors of IMF, for the sake and interest of the Public of Iceland.

Your assistance is much appreciated.



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1 Smámynd: Tiger

Já Helga mín, þetta er sannarlega málið. Nauðsynlegt að koma spillingunni út áður en við fáum nýtt fé í kerfið okkar. Ekkert vit í því að láta mikla fjármuni í hendurnar á þeim sem hugsanlega eru á einhvern hátt tengdir kreppuvandamálunum hjá okkur ...

Þetta er gott og þarft framtak, að senda svona bréf með von um að það breyti einhverju til hins betra..

Annars bara - knús og kram á ykkur öll!

Tiger, 20.11.2008 kl. 18:11

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